About me…
In my work as a Spiritual Medium, I meet a lot of people looking for answers. They might be asking themselves big questions about life itself and their role in the world. Some of them are grieving the loss of a loved one. Some of them recognise they have a calling to serve the spirit world, and want to know how they can move forward in that direction.
For the past 13 years I have dedicated myself to developing my own mediumship so that I can demonstrate it in churches and centres all over the world, bringing evidence that our loved ones are safe and well. As a member of the Spiritualists’ National Union I have been awarded Diplomas in Demonstrating Mediumship and Teaching. I am also a Course Organiser and Tutor at the Arthur Findlay College, Stansted, UK.
I love breaking down complex mediumship theories into simple concepts, so that developing mediums can progress their education without unnecessary myth and mysticism. I have shared my knowledge online and in person, both in the UK and overseas, to help mediums at all different stages of growth to overcome their perceived limitations, to nurture their soul’s ability with grace, in a mindful way.